Life is Good

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Wichita, KS, United States
I'm a stay at home momma who strives daily to stay sane in this madness! Life is Good!

Nov 2, 2010


Turn your child's art into a toy!
Supplies: markers, paper, kids, fabric markers, light colored fabric, sewing machine, stuffing.
I instructed Emma to draw a person who was a big as the paper.
Apparently what she heard was: draw a sailor with hands like Edward Sissorhands and make sure he is flipping everyone off!
Tape picture to window with light colored fabric taped on top
Trace the picture using fabric markers.
(if your child is skilled at drawing, you can skip these steps and let them draw on the fabric directly)
 Layer drawing on top of second piece of fabric.
Top Stich around entire drawing , leaving an opening to stuff it.
Pink around the drawing.

Let the little fingers stuff it.
Top Stitch the opening closed.

 Watch your child LOVE their creation.
This all started with Aidan.  When Emma saw what I was doing with his art she wanted to make her own.
Here are two other ones that I did for Aid for Aidan. I loved the Frankenstein one.
( I did Aid for Aidan's monsters digitally and printed them from my computer with high quality ink and Bubble Jet Set, hence the better quality)


christina said...

what a great idea! i'll have to try this once my kids are a little older, they are still pretty young.

Beth Eaton said...

How ingenious! Thanks for sharing!

Mandi said...

aw i love emmas too stinkin cute!

Cyndi said...

I love this...what a great idea! I think my littles would love these. Thanks for sharing,

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