Life is Good

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Wichita, KS, United States
I'm a stay at home momma who strives daily to stay sane in this madness! Life is Good!

Oct 27, 2009

Ghost Toast

I put a status on my facebook the other day about Ghost Toast. The response was unanimous and LOUD. Everyone wanted to know what Ghost Toast was. Say WHA??? I thought everyone ate this stuff. Turns out I had a really creative Momma growing up and she made the everyday a holiday. Around Halloween we would have this treat for breakfast. I was so excited to give it to my daughter for the first time. I love passing my childhood traditions on to my kids. So, here's what Ghost Toast is all about. It's buttered toast with powdered sugar on top, and chocolate chips for the eyes.
So make the everyday a holiday with this special treat!


Leanne of Folk said...

ahhh, THAT'S what it is!! it looks YUMMY!!! :D

M.M.E. said...

Very cool. Yes, you had a creative mom. Mine stuck with the square toast.

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